I see this everyday

We saw lots of cruise ships that were really larger than our town In July there was an opening for the food festival, Glamaten. I like that every now and then in this… Les meir

Then it looks like this

This June, it was a festival with sail ships and music.  This is the ship «Christian Radich».

Du E för Fin för Mig

Sometimes someone appears and gives you a new song for listening. This week I got this swedish song by Dungen.

West coast surf

One day this summer I was at the beach at the island, Stord. This place is not known for its beachlife at all. This particular day I was a the beach and then… Les meir

In February


fragments of January


A blue glas


The September feeling By Sikd

Architecture & photography

Dette er Porche pavilliongen i bilbyen i Wolfsburg, Tyskland. Denne bygninga er eit veldig godt eksempel på korleis arkitekturen kan jobbe saman med det visuelle perspektivet. Ut frå dette kan det verte mange… Les meir

Come together by The Beatles